Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!

Recently I received this card from my friend Trish. I hadn't been expecting anything from her and so I was suprised. I was even more suprised when I opened it and read that she was wishing me a Happy Birthday. My birthday is in July!

I thought she'd gotten my birthday mixed up with someone else's until I continued reading what she wrote. She did know that it was very early or very late... LOL

How many times have I found the perfect card for someone, set it aside till their birthday and then completely forgotten about it, only to find it long after their birthday has passed?

I have to say.... I like this idea.. Find the perfect card for someone... just send it! When my birthday comes along, I will remember that a good friend thought enough of me to be sure that she didn't miss wishing me a Happy Birthday. Isn't that sweet?

A Life Overflowing

I glitch in Blogger switching from old to new version has made it impossible for me to post updates on the 'A Life Overflowing' blog and so I'm posting my updates here.

In this group we are paired up with another person, round robin style. Partners are to pray for each other, keep in touch and since this exchange has a coffee/tea/drink theme, we are to gift our partner with items we believe they will enjoy based on info they've supplied.

The most recent request or assignment is to post photos of our favorite cups.

Here are some of mine ....

A gift from daughter Tina, porcelain with ming style cobalt design, comfortable to hold, nice and big.

A gift from friend Lynn L. If I'm reading, counting stitches, whatever and someone starts talking to me while the cup is close by.. I only need to lift it or point to it and they understand to give me a second to finish counting or reading.

I think there needs to be cups that say. Shhhh.. I'm thinking... or maybe just Shhh I'm _________ and then one can fill in the blank .

A gift to myself... note the little dragonfly and garden theme. A nice stoneware cup for maintaining the temperature of the drink it holds.

A gift from Sis. Just before she gave me this, someone had greeted me saying Feliz Navidad!

Spanish was my first language, but I grew up in the states and so English is my main language now. Sometimes I'll hear an English word or phrase and not understand it cause I'm listening in Spanish ... and the same with Spanish phrases.... does that make sense? *G*

When this person greeted me.. I thought.. what did they say about fleeces? Duh! And then I realized they were wishing me a Merry Christmas.

I live with a pack of Lhasa Apsos and this Lhasa puppy print caught my eye, bought it for my den. Later a friend gave me this cup. When I got the cup I thought, this looks familiar. It wasn't till I set it on my desk one day that I realized why it looked familiar.. *G*

Yes, I know, it's not a cup. But you have to have a creamer right? This cute little staffordshire creamer caught my eye because it has dahlias on it and Mom loved Dahlias.

Mom, known to family members as Mamita, also loved roses.

Before she passed she told me she wanted me to have her china cabinet. I spent many hours as a child making sure things in there were dusted. Along with the cabinet I brought home some pieces with roses. The cup on the far left was a gift from Lynn L and it just fits right in.

The tiny little cup in front was one I gave Mamita as a gift. She like miniature things. The saucer says. "I love you, Mom".

Also in that cabinet are some of Mamita's art deco cups.. I don't dare use them for fear they'll be damaged.

Packed in a box are my grandmother Catatlina's tiny cups. I didn't have a place to display them safely and had packed them away and only just remembered that I had them. Now I can put them in the cabinet with the others.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Catching up....

I can't believe it is January 14th already... my days just seem to be zipping by.. I'm getting in some studio time whenever I can, not always easy to do with family, friends, dogs and local activities. I'll be posting some new things on my studio blog and website as I work on them.

A new year means new projects. My first project completed was a pocket bag. I saw the project in Spindlicity and decided to try it. I made a few changes to the pattern, but used the technique for added the second yarn and second needle in order to work the inside and outside pockets at the same time. I would not recommend this project to a beginner knitter, but I enjoyed making the bag.

The first bag was made from using Serenity Farms (Hi Cary!) Corriedale wool from a sheep named Eve and a blue wool blend, but I gave away the first bag before I took a photo of it. Sorry Cary, maybe that person will take a photo of it for us, or I'll get it another time.

Anyway, I liked it so much that I've since made another for myself and did remember to take a photo a photo at the beginning and end, but still forgot to take a photo before fulling... the color in the photo is off and I didn't feel like fussing with it.. it is mostly shades of garnet red, crimson, gold, black etc.

In these photos both needles being used can be seen.

The finished bag ....

A peek inside, pockets barely visible in the photo but very handy. The blue is a lace project in progress, using one of my laceweight yarns. I love this pattern and yarn and will post more about it soon.

The last project completed in 2006 other than a pair of socks were two hats, one for Connor and then because his mom liked it so much, one for her. I dyed worsted weight merino for something that would go well with denim and they turned out well.

Speaking of Connor... grampa bought him new slippers and Connor likes them very much. Here he is wearing his slippers. When he saw the camera, he came over for a close up... funny boy.

He stomped around in his slippers so much that he wore himself out quickly.. By the time he had lunch he could barely keep his eyes open.

In this photo, he was struggling to keep his eyes open ... but he likes to eat and was determined to finish his veggies.

Unable to stay awake and no longer able to complain if I took his food away, off to bed he went for a 3 hour nap!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Year's Prayer...

You are ushering in another year, untouched and freshly new,

So here I am to ask You, God, if You'll renew me, too.

But, Father, I am well aware I can't make it on my own.

So take my hand and hold it tight,

For I can't walk alone

- Helen Steiner Rice

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!


My New Year wish for everyone is that they be showered with Blessings.

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